14 Aug

Press Release: Peaceful Streets Project has reached 60% of their $35,000 goal and you can help them cross the finish line by donating in Bitcoins!

Press Release: Peaceful Streets Project has reached 60% of their $35,000 goal and you can help them cross the finish line by donating in Bitcoins!

August 12th, 2013

Austin, TX – With four days left until the 2nd annual Police Accountability Summit begins, the organizers are celebrating over $21,000 in donations that have been made to this tremendously important event. However, there’s still another $14,000 to raise to hit the goal, and some news today may speed up the success of this fundraiser.

The Peaceful Streets Project is now accepting Bitcoin to support their Police Accountability Summit. This year has already outdone the first in RSVP’s and the lineup of speakers. Author, Radley Balko and Black Panther Party co-founder, Bobby Seale will be addressing the crowd. There will be multiple panels to help better educate the community on their rights and even events for entire families.

Dig into your Bitcoin wallet today and help us make this event the best it can possibly be to ensure media coverage, record-breaking attendance, and most of all, serve as a springboard for another unprecedented year of police accountability activism throughout the nation!  Check out the perks on the IndieGogo Campaign and contact us at PeacefulStreets@gmail.com if you decide to donate so we can get you your reward.

You can send your payment to our Bitcoin address:1A7fxhdACYTX4XiAvbBM2ehgUkJjtVZLh7

or scan the QR code below:

We’re happy to be able to offer new, voluntary ways of donating and hope this goes to show our dedication to freedom. Please consider making a donation today, whether it be Bitcoin or with your credit card so we can hit our $35,000 goal by the end of the week!

See you at the Summit and for those of you far away, stay tuned for footage from the event.

More information at: http://peacefulstreets.com/summit-2013/

IndieGogo Campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/2nd-annual-peaceful-streets-project-police-accountability-summit

Thanks to Bitcoin not Bombs for the inspiration!


1 Comment

  • This is gorgeous!

So, what do you think?