22 Jun
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Press Release: Peaceful Streets Project-Austin announces new initiative, new team and Police Accountability Summit update

As the Austin Police Department was notified towards the end of March, the Peaceful Streets Project will be launching a new initiative. As the shooting of an unarmed minority of our community has become a near annual event for APD during the summer, the Peaceful Streets Project will increase the frequency of its copwatch actions. For three straight weekends, with one weekend off, followed by three more weekends, the Peaceful Streets Project will take to the streets of Austin. This new copwatch initiative is in addition to an increase in randomized, undocumented actions we are engaging in throughout the city.

In addition, the Peaceful Streets Project is excited to announce a new Cameron district team. In addition to our downtown district team, a special unit will now be dispatched to focus resources throughout the Cameron area.

We would also like to inform the Austin community that officer Nathan Wagner has returned to duty in the downtown district where he murdered Byron Carter.

The Peaceful Streets Project is also excited to announce that this year’s annual police accountability summit will be held in November. The roster of speakers and events will be announced in the fall.

In closing we have a message for the Austin Police Department. You will learn to respect the well-being of our community. As was stated at the end of March, this community is not your playground. We will advance justice one camera at a time!

So, what do you think?